Our heroes proceed into the Whispering Vale, but run into trouble as they are attacked by spiders! But that is not the only concern, as Una finds herself in an exposed position while swimming.
In The Guardians of Fehal, we play 5th Edition D&D with some additional content included from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, The Tome Of Beasts from Kobold Press, Volo’s Guide to Monsters, Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes and even some Homebrewed content.
Our show is released in half episodes every week to the public on this feed, but full episodes are released every 2 weeks on Patreon. So if you hate waiting for the next episode, consider supporting us! For $5 a month you will have access to full episodes before anyone else!
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Songs used: Deep Woods3 by PeriTune https://www.free-stock-music.com/peritune-deep-woods3.html
The Silver Sale Inn by Gentil Puck https://soundcloud.com/gentil_puck/the-silver-sail-inn
DnD medieval fantasy music – Woods of Magic – study music – Celestial Aeon Project
Village under attack – Gentil Puck
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