The Westerverse Podcasts

The Guardians of Fehal is a 5th Edition Real-Play D&D Podcast! Follow the adventures of Una, Hans & Frans, Nora and Rowan every week as they discover the mystery of the world they’re traveling, and of the friends they’re traveling with.

The Blocks Of Friendship | Episode 23 | Guardians of Fehal

The Blocks Of Friendship | Episode 23 | Guardians of Fehal

In this episode, the party maps out their plan for attending the fighting pits and their disguises. After returning from the guildhall, Hans & Frans and Nora have a personal conversation in the forge. Music used: Deep Woods3 by PeriTune...

When It’s Your Family | Episode 22 | Guardians of Fehal

When It’s Your Family | Episode 22 | Guardians of Fehal

Una shares her deepest fear she's been holding close. Not only revealing why finding Llew is so personal, but how her favorite Uncle may be involved in hate group. Songs in this episode: Deep Woods3 by PeriTune...

Summoning Answers | Episode 21 | Guardians of Fehal

Summoning Answers | Episode 21 | Guardians of Fehal

In this episode, the party returns to the aqueducts to search for the missing workers, as well as potential leads into the strange flooding happening around the city.   Music in this episode: Deep Woods3 by PeriTune...