The Westerverse Podcasts

The Guardians of Fehal is a 5th Edition Real-Play D&D Podcast! Follow the adventures of Una, Hans & Frans, Nora and Rowan every week as they discover the mystery of the world they’re traveling, and of the friends they’re traveling with.

Whispered Words | Episode 14 Teaser | Guardians of Fehal

Whispered Words | Episode 14 Teaser | Guardians of Fehal

In this episode, Hans & Frans Josh’s character begins the process of enchanting Rowan’s axe, with some help from Nora. But in order to make this weapon even better than the one before, it’s going to require a special ingredient. Deep Woods3 by PeriTune...

Una’s Night Out | Episode 13 | Guardians of Fehal

Una’s Night Out | Episode 13 | Guardians of Fehal

In this episode, Una dolls herself up and has a night out! Soon after, her and Hans & Frans head back to the shady bar known as the Boars Head, which may be tied to the Venerable. What happens when a ranger a paladin go into a shady bar?

Long Awaited Letters | Episode 12 | Guardians of Fehal

Long Awaited Letters | Episode 12 | Guardians of Fehal

This elven shop keeper thinks there is more to Rowan than meets the eye. What does she see in him?   Songs used:   Deep Woods3 by PeriTune The Silver Sale Inn by Gentil Puck...